Daily Archives: September 14, 2010

Choosing An Increase Method

Hello, children

There are so many ways to make your increases. More than I ever realised. I’m not very good at increases and neither are my real life knitting instructors. The Force is not strong with us, there.  Thank god for the interwebs. I’ve found one marvellous site where a fairly comprehensive range of increase methods are noted diagrammatically and with instructional videos, so you can choose exactly which one you need.

But, I found one! A marvellous page which shows a fairly comprehensive range of increase methods diagrammatically, right here.

Sample of Knitting Increases from KnittingHelp.com

Different increase methods will produce different results in your finished work. Click this image for the complete article, and go to http://www.knittinghelp.com for instructional videos and more.